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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Why Grass Fed Beef Is Better

By Celia Hall

A long time, people who raise animals for human consumption only have way of raising and feeding their livestock. This is to bring them to pasture where they can feed on grass and other kinds of foliage. However, the development of feeds and other substances has changed how things work these days. Cows are now given grains and are places inside infrastructures. Fortunately, there are still people nowadays that still have grass fed beef california.

Grass fed beef refers to the meat produced by cows that have been raised in the most organic way. This means that the cow has a diet consisting of grass, silage, hay, and different kinds of foliage. This diet is consistent from calfhood until it is time to harvest the cow. This term has been interchanged with free range or organic. There are now a lot of people who prefer this particular meat because it is more natural.

A cow's diet can have a significant effect on the kind of meat that the animal will be able to produce. Cows that were given nothing but foliage, silage, and hay usually have beef that is leaner and less marbled. Cows that were raised on grain, on the other hand, has more marbling and tend to be more tender.

One of the best reasons why many people prefer to eat meat that were grown in the most organic method is because the meat contains more nutrients. Studies have shown that this kind of meat contains more omega 3, vitamin E, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, and beta carotene. These substances are good for ones heart.

Another good reason for using this type of beef is it is not as fatty as the meat of cows that have been eating grains their entire life. This can help prevent anyone from getting any kind of cardiovascular disease. A person can enjoy having a hearty steak dinner without having to worry about the impact of the food to their health.

Organic food is highly recommended by many people because this kind of food was produced without the need to use any synthetic compounds. Many growers nowadays administer growth enhancers and antibiotics to their livestock. Going for organic, helps you to stay away from anything that is synthetic and harmful.

Cows that were allowed to eat grass is also more resistant against E coli. This bacteria can thrive in acidic environments. When cows are fed grains, their stomach's acidity is usually very high. But if they are fed with foliage, they can kill E coli because the stomach is less acidic because of their diet.

There are some people who prefer this meat since it assures them the cow has been treated with dignity while alive. They know that it has not been cramped together with other cows in one area. They do this as a way of respecting the thing that nourishes them.

Eating grass fed beef california is one way that you can have a healthier life. If you want to live healthy, you should always consider the food that you are going to eat. As much as possible, stay away from products that were given antibiotics or other kinds of chemicals.

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