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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Could the Zelda Series Properly Showcase Organic Farms?

By Rob Sutter

I enjoy video games for a number of reasons but I think that the amount of freedom they possess in terms of creation is above and beyond all other factors. These titles can be as close to reality as the developers want but some of them may go off the beaten path. They may create an utter fantasy world and it can be just as much fun to take in. Organic farms, at least in one particular video game universe, may just be one of the better subjects that could be brought to the forefront.

"The Legend of Zelda" is one of those series which people can attribute many subjects to as well. One of them, at least from my point of view, is the color green. This isn't just seen in the clothing that Link wears either - it's what the main character has worn practically forever - but one cannot go without mentioning the great amount of vegetation seen for great distances. Whether you're talking about the woods or even the grassy land Link traverses across, this hue is definitely a repeated feature.

One of the games in the series, "Twilight Princess," shows Link as a farm hand, who is tasked with roping in animals and simply helping around the area. Wouldn't you think that this character would be a good person to hire when it came time to look at organic farms? Not only is he young, with many years to spare, but he always seems to go into work with the utmost enthusiasm. Entities the likes of Colle Farmers Market would potentially see these crops being bought and sold, too.

I think that one of the other qualities to look into about Zelda titles is the number of fetch quests seen. Think about how Link moves about, from person to person, with the intent to arrive with the locally grown crops they had ordered. He has to move fast, though, especially when the items he carries are time-sensitive. If he can reach the buyer before the time runs out, Link is successful and he can continue on in order to receive an item that will make his quest easier.

Organic farms are different from farms which grow crops locally without ever claiming to be pure. Basically, the locally cultivated type is always going to be fresh and I think that this is the quality that Link must keep in mind when going about his work. He would have to move fast in order to keep this freshness intact. Moving fast across far distances, on foot, may not seem like the easiest task in the world but it could be made simpler with his experience as a hero under his belt.

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