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Saturday, 8 June 2013

Dietary Fat - The Bodybuilder's Friend

By Bob Steele

If you are bodybuilding, then you need to become as educated as possible about dietary fat and why you need it. In bodybuilding circles, there is an ongoing conversation about essential nutrients including essential fatty acids. These nutrients are considered essential because the body is not capable of making them. So essential nutrients must be found elsewhere and eaten in some form. Even though you typically only hear about omega 3, 6, and 9, there are actually 8 known essential fatty acids. Each of these nutrients plays a vital and different role in successful bodybuilding.

It's common knowledge that there are some fats that are better for us than others. Bodybuilders and the rest of us should make an effort to supplant saturated fats from animals with the more beneficial unsaturated fats. We already know that our bodies lack the ability to produce Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

When it comes to knowing which fats a bodybuilder needs to avoid and which to eat there is more to the story than simple generalizations. Specifically, you need to get three types of Omega fatty acids, and they are simply called Omega 3, 6, and 9. Common foods contain these acids and each one has imperative biochemical process. If possible, saturated fats should be eschewed. Nevertheless, trans fats, often termed saturated fats, should be avoided.

It is easy for inexperienced bodybuilders to get off on the wrong foot when it comes to fats in a proper diet. The most common mistakes is to avoid as much fat as possible. The belief is that minimizing dietary fat will lower excess body fat and increase muscle development.

Whether you're a body builder or just an average joe, it's important to get the right types and amounts of dietary fat. The problem for very many people, especially in the US, is so many processed foods contain saturated fats.

Understanding the big role dietary fat plays in building muscle can be life changing. Also, we have shown you several approaches you can use to make adjustments if you are trying to gain or bulk up. There are plenty of misconceptions when it comes to building mass or bulking up, so if you were taking the wrong approach, don't despair, you now know what you need to do to get back on track. This information may be old news to some people and a real eye opener to others. We can only imagine what will be discovered years from now. Reaching bodybuilding goals may not be easy but incorporating important dietary fats into your diet and weight lifting routines will help you get there.

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