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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Halal MRE Packs Can Be Used By More Than Just Troops

By Leanna Freeman

MRE is the abbreviation of the term Meal Ready to Eat, and a Halal MRE refers to those meals specifically made for Muslims. These are prepackaged products that you find mainly in the military. They form an important part of the diet for Muslim fighters because they are processed to the rigorous standards required by their Islamic religion. However, it's not just combat troops who can eat these. Anyone who wants food on the go and needs to travel fairly light can pack these in their luggage. As a result, people like campers and hikers use them too.

The portions are designed to provide the individual with the full range of food requirements. That's why they have in one MRE ration things like a side dishes, a main meal, dessert, snack and a drink. The shelf life of these foods is about six months, and often they come with an expiry date, so it's best to check the side of the packet for this.

One error people might make is to serve food rations that are Kosher to people who are Muslim. Each eats different foods, and although some Kosher foods are certainly OK for a Muslim to eat, some are not. Colors and flavors that are in Kosher food, such as gelatin, are forbidden in a Muslim diet. Also, some Kosher food has alcohol in it, and this is completely off limits in the Islamic religion and for its food.

Halal produce, and by implication the MRE packs, have to be made in strict accordance with the dietary standards of Muslims. Any meat that is slaughtered to produce the food has to be done with implements that are spotless and free of any traces of non-Halal food stuffs.

One thing to remember is that Muslims do not eat pork and they also have many other dietary requirements. They do, however, eat grains, fruits and vegetables, so a ration portion that could be served to them is a vegetarian one.

The food can be eaten hot or cold and the military food packs more often than not come with a heat pad. If a heat pad is not available then by leaving the package on a hot car engine for 10 minutes, or under the burning sun for about 30, you should have a warm meal.

Hikers like the meals because they are easy to put in a backpack and can be carried around for several kilometers. They are not particularly heavy on calories either, as they weigh in at around 1200. They are specially made to give the soldiers just enough to sustain them until it's time for the next meal. For people who might wonder if 1200 is adequate, there are MRE meals that have greater calorie counts.

Rations of Halal MRE are very versatile and are often used by more than just combat troops.If you are after a portable ready to eat portion of food that is nutritious and available in an emergency then this might be the answer. If buying in single portions, it would be prudent to remember that money can be saved by buying in bulk.

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