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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Parties For Wine And Painting New York Bars And Taverns Offer

By Lisa Williamson

There are a lot of good, exciting things to do in New York. The bars, taverns, shows and other activities will keep anyone busy who wants to stay busy. Educational activities are also things that are in abundant supply if that is what is wanted. Many of those are the venues that offer the wine and painting New York taverns and studios offer for an evening of drinking and creativity.

Interested individuals and groups can find out about the many parties, scheduled on most nights of the week, by looking at the posters in the bars. They can also look up many of the websites that follow the parties and check out locations, prices and other offerings. People can register for the next, or any other, class online and make arrangements for special group prices.

The attendees will find that everything is supplied to have fun. All of the painting supplies will be there as will the wine, soft drinks and, in many places, snacks. The paint, easels, canvasses and cleaning materials will all be there. This is so participants will know what is necessary should they move on from this event to their own painting. The very important element that is necessary will be the artist that will be there.

This local artist will be the one who will instruct you for the two to three hour event. They have all agreed to be your encourager, instructor and friend for the evening. Many of them may be into genres that you may not have seen before, however, they will all give you some insights into their world of art.

Other artists will work with scenes, either real or imagined. Still others want to show the attendees about portraiture, still life or architectural art. There are many different areas of painting that can be examined by the inquisitive party goer and all of them can be checked out if the mood arises.

Welcoming all of the attendees will be the artist as they start to get a feel for the participants. The talk about their art and what they offer will take just a few minutes, after which questions can be asked. The reason for their being there will then kick in as they present the painting for the class. The proper strokes will be demonstrated and then everyone gets a chance to try their hand at it.

A few hours spent enjoying the ability to create something will make for a perfect time. Impromptu competitions will erupt between friends and others. The wine and soft drinks will loosen everyone to the point they will not miss the wandering around through other bars and then home. Some locations will offer harder drinks than this and those are at a moderate rate.

The popularity of these parties is gaining more ever year. Birthday parties as well as girls nights out are great occasions for this type of creative evening. The meeting of new friends as well as old ones, in this environment, will say a lot about you and them. The networking possibilities are also there.

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