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Saturday, 14 June 2014

Can Italian Olive Oil Prove Effective With Honey?

By Robin Setser

It is apparent that there are many important factors to consider about Italian olive oil, which is a point that cannot be denied. There are so many healthful aspects that help to make this oil stand out, especially in comparison to other types of oil used for culinary reasons. However, is it possible that this particular product can work alongside honey, which has its benefits as well? While it might seem like a strange tandem on the surface, it actually makes a lot of sense in execution.

It's not hard to see why, especially when given the healthful properties associated with honey as well. For one, honey contains flavonoids, which are actually able to work as antioxidants to better support the immune system. While this is a trait that is normally associated with Italian olive oil, one of the more unique aspects of honey is how it can help to soothe one's throat. This is why there are so many medical specialists that recommend the intake of tea that has been enriched with honey.

With these points in mind, though, you may be curious as to how Italian olive oil can work with honey. After all, is it possible that there are benefits which companies along the lines of Bellucci Premium can support? There are a number of reasons for this, one of them being for the treatment of dry or damaged hair. It might seem surprising to some but the impact of these particular products aren't ones that are relegated to the culinary realm. In fact, the hair and skin alike can be helped as a result of this oil.

Back to the subject of this type of oil in tandem with honey, it is possible that dry or damaged hair can be helped, according to an article on wikiHow. Once a small amount of the oil is added, along with a few drops of honey, you will want to whisk the mixture until you are left with a smoother texture. You do not want to have the mask being overly sticky, which is a common trait for honey. However, after the mixture itself is massaged into the scalp and washed, your hair will not only become stronger but look nicer to boot.

Seeing as how Italian olive oil and honey are healthful for different - and even similar - reasons, it's not totally out of the question to consider that they could be used in tandem. Hair care is just one of the ways in which this can be done but, of course, one's diet can incorporate both aspects. Even if it's something as simple as honey in tea and this type of oil instead of bread, they are improvements. As a result, they allow the diet to stand out even more.

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