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Friday, 22 August 2014

A Brief Guide To Gourmet Popcorn Denver

By Linda Ruiz

While there have been recorded instances of people eating it throughout history popcorn first became a popular and widespread snack during the Depression. It became synonymous with the movies because it was a cheap food to buy and you could spend a long time watching movies, newsreels and cartoons for a small amount of money. Today popcorn may not necessarily be cheap but it still has an image of something light and insubstantial and is often one of the first things people think of when it comes to getting a snack at the movies. However this does not necessarily have to be the case as there are a growing number of gourmet popcorn Denver producers.

A fair question to ask is what sets out a gourmet version of a snack from a normal version. On a basic level the idea is the same. The central ingredient is maize. When cooked the maize pops and of course this is where the name comes from. However there are a few key differences that separate the everyday from the gourmet.

Times have changed since then. While popcorn can no longer be considered cheap it still has that image to an extent. Indeed some critics will often use the word in order to deride films that they consider to be catering to a mass crowd, with the light and air popped snack seemingly an ideal metaphor for any insubstantial blockbuster that they are reviewing.

The gourmet version of the snack is different for various reasons. It starts with the soil the corn is made from. This specific treatment means that when the corn is popped the kernels can expand to up to sixty times the size of the seed that they pop out from, allowing for a different texture and taste.

Indeed a lot of the time this variety produces a chewier texture that is distinctly different from the crunchier variety that you would get in a cinema. Admittedly some people prefer this crunch. As with any food it is a matter of personal preference and some producers may vary in their approach in order to achieve different types of taste and texture.

A lot of producers will also experiment in terms of flavour. While not a hard and fast rule gourmet varieties do not tend to use artificial flavourings and will often use natural ingredients in order to create more distinct flavours. For example a gourmet toffee popcorn would use real toffee or a savoury variety might include real pesto, garlic or cheese. Ultimately the only real limit is the imagination of the producers and whether there is sufficient demand!

A common concern is whether it is healthy to snack on popcorn. Some companies have also worked on this, offering low fat varieties that people can enjoy without the butter or salt that means people often decide not to enjoy this particular treat. There is also some research that suggests that eating this type of the snack can actually aid digestion!

It has to be emphasised that there are a lot of different types of gourmet popcorn available. As well as different flavours there are different methods of production and producers. It is worth looking online to find out what is available in your local area as well as looking for online retailers. You can also look to see if reviewers have tested the products and get their feedback before you buy!

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