Amercans are becoming increasingly better educated about healthy eating. We are slowly easing fats and sugars out of our diets, juicing our hearts out and crafting our fatty acid ratio into a healty omega-3:omega-6 ratio into a healthy 6 to 3. Now, the experts are telling us, we should be eating more grass-fed meat, as opposed to meat from cattle that has been raised on grain, and looking toward elk steaks online as the route to a healthier, more productive lifestyle.
The logic behind this is that humans, as a species, have not yet evolved the dietary machinery to effectively metabolize and utilize complex carbohydrates and saturated fats. We are still processing food in the same way as our Paleolithic Age ancestors, who lived on what they could find and not what they could farm.
You can't tell by looking at them, even when they are standing right up next to each other in front of you. The proteins in one are certainly similar to those in the other; these have been genetically programmed. What is different, however, is their complement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Grass-fed meat has powerful ethical, health and environmental reasons for being selected over mass produced meat from cereal consumers.
Omega-6 and omega-3 are two essential fatty acids (EFAs). They are called "essential" because the are crucial for humans to function, but we cannot manufacture them within the body; they have to be ingested as part of the diet. While both are necessary for human function, the healthy ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is three to one. In cattle that are fed grain, this ratio is 20 to 1. Omega-3 EFAs help maintain good cellular health and prevent so-called Western diseases like arthritis, cancer, coronary artery disease, cancer, hypertension and others.
The meat from cattle allowed to roam free on acres of pastureland is actually leaner than that obtained from grain-fed cattle. In grass-fed animals, omega-3s comprise 7 percent, while this ratio is only 1 percent in cereal-fed animals. Grass-fed meat also has higher levels of important nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Cows, sheep, deer and other animals that feed on grass are able to break it down and convert it into flesh, which humans are able to eat. Humans are unable to convert grass to anything useful. Therefore, eating grass-fed meat exposes us to a wider range of nutrients than we get from grain-fed beef.
There are ethical reasons to choose grass over grain. Animals obtain the grass they eat by being raised on acres and acres of open pasture, where they have the freedom to roam wherever they choose. Grain-eating animals are forced to live in confined areas known as CAFO, or confined animal feed lots. Because they are crammed so close together, CAFO-dwelling cattle get more bacterial infections. Why should you worry about a cow with a cold? Infected hamburger meat can kill you.
Natural elk meat is protein-rich while at the same time being low in fats and cholesterol. Elk meet is dark red and has a strong, meaty flavor. Being naturaly tender, it is not necessary to marinate the meat before slapping it on the barbecue or into the frying pan.
The logic behind this is that humans, as a species, have not yet evolved the dietary machinery to effectively metabolize and utilize complex carbohydrates and saturated fats. We are still processing food in the same way as our Paleolithic Age ancestors, who lived on what they could find and not what they could farm.
You can't tell by looking at them, even when they are standing right up next to each other in front of you. The proteins in one are certainly similar to those in the other; these have been genetically programmed. What is different, however, is their complement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Grass-fed meat has powerful ethical, health and environmental reasons for being selected over mass produced meat from cereal consumers.
Omega-6 and omega-3 are two essential fatty acids (EFAs). They are called "essential" because the are crucial for humans to function, but we cannot manufacture them within the body; they have to be ingested as part of the diet. While both are necessary for human function, the healthy ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is three to one. In cattle that are fed grain, this ratio is 20 to 1. Omega-3 EFAs help maintain good cellular health and prevent so-called Western diseases like arthritis, cancer, coronary artery disease, cancer, hypertension and others.
The meat from cattle allowed to roam free on acres of pastureland is actually leaner than that obtained from grain-fed cattle. In grass-fed animals, omega-3s comprise 7 percent, while this ratio is only 1 percent in cereal-fed animals. Grass-fed meat also has higher levels of important nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Cows, sheep, deer and other animals that feed on grass are able to break it down and convert it into flesh, which humans are able to eat. Humans are unable to convert grass to anything useful. Therefore, eating grass-fed meat exposes us to a wider range of nutrients than we get from grain-fed beef.
There are ethical reasons to choose grass over grain. Animals obtain the grass they eat by being raised on acres and acres of open pasture, where they have the freedom to roam wherever they choose. Grain-eating animals are forced to live in confined areas known as CAFO, or confined animal feed lots. Because they are crammed so close together, CAFO-dwelling cattle get more bacterial infections. Why should you worry about a cow with a cold? Infected hamburger meat can kill you.
Natural elk meat is protein-rich while at the same time being low in fats and cholesterol. Elk meet is dark red and has a strong, meaty flavor. Being naturaly tender, it is not necessary to marinate the meat before slapping it on the barbecue or into the frying pan.
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