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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Preparing An Instant Hot Beverage

By Della Monroe

Coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide. The active ingredient in coffee is known as caffeine and is highly addictive. However, a number of people may wish to avoid the beverage due to the addictive nature. Postum, an instant hot beverage is a solution for such people. This drink has been a popular coffee substitute for more than a century now.

Postum has been very popular among its users because of the health benefits that it has been said to have. Coffee lovers have opted for the drink at the expense of ordinary coffee because they believe that they improve on their general health status even as they indulge in the drinking. Apart from the absence of caffeine, postum is also said to lack trans fats and sodium. It has been accepted as a kosher drink.

The manufacture of postum was stopped in 2007 due to a drop in sales. A number of homemade recipes have been made available to the lovers of the drink. The homemade recipe contains the same ingredients as the commercially available product. Similar products that use the same principles have also been introduced into the market and these have enjoyed mixed fortunes.

Preparing the postum at home involves basic steps. The main constituents that are required include molasses, corn and ground wheat. Preparation starts by mixing these three ingredients in a shallow pan. These are then baked slowly so as to attain a dark brown color. They are stirred at 15 minute intervals so as to ensure that they are baked uniformly. A dark brown color change indicates that the product is ready. It should then be allowed to cool down and stored in a dry, clean container.

All that is needed to prepare the drink is to have a cup of hot water. One or two spoons are added and stirred to mix. One mug of postum has about 14 calories of energy. There are several instant beverage machines that you may consider for this purpose. These machines are designed to mix the product and dispense the drink. Just at the press of a button, the user can dispense the desired quantity and temperature. A number are available for sale online.

The machines are a bit pricy and it may not be possible to acquire one for personal use. Large companies certainly have the capability to purchase them for use by employees. The other alternative is to join up with your partners so that each of you contributes a small amount of money. There are different designs that are available in the market. The amount of resources that you have will determine what you will get.

Other than postum, there are several other beverages that can be prepared instantly. Coffee, tea and chocolate can all be prepared in the same manner. English tea appears to be just as popular as coffee. The main disadvantage is that it also contains caffeine. All of these beverages can be prepared within a minute as long as hot water is available. They can also be mixed in the beverage dispensing machines.

The beverage industry continues to grow by leaps and bounds by the day. With many people working on tight schedules, it is very difficult to continue enjoying the traditional drinks by using the traditional brewing methods. Most people now prefer to consume instant beverages that are easier to prepare. A number of machines have been designed solely for this purpose.

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