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Monday, 22 February 2016

A Look At Lobster Delivery

By Thomas Smith

Lobsters are highly perishable commodities. Owing to this, for efficient shipping it requires a lot of attention. They are normally transported while alive so as to enhance efficient lobster delivery. To keep it alive throughout the journey, important packaging and shipping arrangements need to be done. Any act performed to enhance transportation should help in making them remain moist and cool throughout the journey.

The cooler and moist it remains, the lesser the amount of oxygen it consumes. This ensures that it is able to move very long distances without depriving all the oxygen provided. On the other hand if kept in places that has high temperatures, it usually consumes too much oxygen hence may result in depriving the oxygen it has been provided with, within a very short duration of time. This may make it die, if the situation is not taken care of immediately.

For gills to perform the role of gaseous exchange, they need to remain moist most of the time. This is the major reason why they need to be placed in a moist environment. If well preserve they can live out of seawater for about four to five days. A lot of carbon dioxide is generally produced by dry ice and therefore it is not advisable to keep it close to dry ice. If kept in fresh water, it swells up a condition that could result in bursting.

If one intends to transport it while under seawater, one should ensure that the container in which it has been placed is highly aerated for efficiency. The most commonly used mode of transportation involves the use of trucks that have been refrigerated. Within these trucks, temperature and moisture are well regulated for their betterment. Under these conditions, they are able to remain alive throughout the journey.

Before shipping them, make them cool so as to avoid abrupt change in temperature from warm to a cold, a situation that could make them stressed up. Although they are good in putting up with temperature changes, they are highly affected negatively by sudden temperature changes.

Do not let them feed immediately before transportation. This is because they are likely to vomit, making the environment a grotesque one. At the same time they may require too much oxygen, to enhance respiration which may be at its maximum. This high demand of oxygen may not be available and may make it consume the available one within a short duration of time.

It is very essential to ensure that you transport them in a place where there is an opening so as to allow carbon oxide gas produced escape to the atmosphere. Carrying them in airtight container, results in carbon dioxide gas accumulating inside, a situation that may not be good for the organisms. It results in having very small room for the oxygen. Packaging should be done in such a way that the shells do not break during the transportation.

Selecting a nice company to enhance the transportation is very important. Choose one that you can afford to pay for the transportation without straining the pocket. To get one, you may conduct the internet search. One may also intend to find out from friends and relatives who are knowledgeable in the field.

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