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Friday, 1 July 2016

ADHD In Children Should Be Managed With A Holistic Plan

By Gary Young

In years gone by parents and teachers were often bewildered and and even angered by kids that performed poorly at school, that disrupted households, that exhibited aggressive behaviour and that appeared to be plain unruly and naughty. Little did they know that many of those kids suffered from a medical condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In Dallas, for example, ADHD in children can be diagnosed at a very early age and a treatment plan can be implemented.

This condition, also known as ADD, manifest itself in a variety of symptoms. Most kids with ADD struggle to concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time. Many patients tend to talk incessantly and they often fail to complete tasks before becoming engrossed in something else. Many patients display aggressive and disruptive behaviour, sometimes to the point where their behaviour van only be described as anti social.

Many people think that modern drugs such as Ritalin is the ideal solution for kids suffering from ADD. It is true that such drugs can help to control many of the symptoms but it is important to know that not all the symptoms van be treated or controlled with drugs. In fact, some kids are intolerant to these drugs because the side effects are simply too severe.

The most effective way to deal with ADD is through an integrated treatment plan. One part of such a plan will be regular exercise. When kids exercise for a half hour or longer each day, the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain is raised. This improves the ability of the child to concentrate and it improves his mood. Experts advise that exercise should be done outside whenever possible.

Quality sleep is vitally important for youngsters suffering from ADD. Many patients are insomniacs and their symptoms are aggravated by the lack of quality sleep. Parents need to make sure that sufferers have a strict routine for going to bed and for waking up in the morning. Their rooms should be dark and they should not be watching television or play with a computer, for example, for at least a half hour prior to bed time.

Diet is just as important. Many ADD patients fail to eat for long periods of time and then, when they do feel hungry, tend to binge on all the wrong foods. Children should eat balanced meals that contain protein and Omega 3 fatty acids that can be commonly found in fish such as tuna or sardines. Experts advise that patients eat six small meals each day rather than fewer bigger meals.

Many patients benefit from some form of counselling. If they understand their condition they are often more willing to cooperate and stick to their treatment plans. Experts advise that disciplines such as meditation and yoga can play an important role in helping the child to concentrate, to remain calm, to breathe properly and to develop a positive attitude towards life in general and themselves particularly.

ADD does not need to be a life sentence. With a proper, balanced treatment plan kids with this condition can lead fulfilling lives and there is no reason why they cannot achieve their goals. It is very important to watch out for the symptoms and to seek professional help as soon as possible.

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