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Saturday, 2 December 2017

About The Best Baltimore Chinese Food

By Dorothy Hayes

When you are in a mood for something tasteful and light, there is nothing as Chinese food. There is always some Chinese restaurant near by, or you can simply order some of their specialties and enjoy in their taste in your own home. There are numerous Baltimore Chinese food restaurants offering the most popular dishes, and you will easy locate your favorites.

Most people know about some widely popular dishes such as Double Ding, Spring rolls or Sesame shrimp Moo Shu Pork or Lemon chicken. But, there are so many interesting and tasty dishes there that it's not so easy to choose just a few. In this area, fried rice and foods based on shrimp are especially popular, although, you may still choose the plain rice, if that's what you prefer.

Seafood soup is probably one of the most popular soups, and among the best ones here. There are also other great soups worth of trying, for example, popular chicken soup with noodles, or chicken soup with vegetables, or simply with rice. There are also beef soups and other tasty soups i various versions, and there is something for anyone.

Although rice is present in a wide variety of dishes in its traditional form, as steamed or cooked, in this area fried rice is especially popular, in various combinations. Beef fried rice and chicken fried rice are quite popular dishes, although, as it was said before, specialties that include lobster and shrimps are always among the most popular ones.

Sweet and sour combinations are something Chinese cuisine is well-known for. Although people mostly order meaty dishes in this sweet and sour combination, vegetarian menu might surprise your palate with its richness of tastes and aromas. Hot dishes are also highly appreciated, both i meat and vegetarian versions, and garlic sauce is especially delicious.

Of course, dishes that are based on shrimp are the most popular ones. You will find shrimp in all possible combinations, with beans, onions, garlic, all kinds of Chinese vegetables. With lobster, with chicken, with hot sauces or cashew nut, in beef sauce or with noodles. In fact, you cannot even imagine in how many combinations this lovely food can be included.

Lo Main is on the menu in all restaurants, of course. Combined with pork, chicken or vegetables, or, as it should be, with lobster and shrimp. Every respectable restaurant has its own Lo Main specialty, and this one is the most tasteful, in most cases. And, it probably contains, you guessed it, shrimps. In any case, this is one of the most popular Chinese dishes here, and you won't make a mistake if you order it.

Chow Mein, Lemon chicken, Sesame shrimp, Curry shrimp with onions, Lobster Lo Mein, Double Ding, Spring rolls, Moo Shu Pork, Chicken broccoli and some other dishes are certainly something you just cannot make a mistake with. Give a chance to some of delicious vegetarian dishes as well. For example, delicious broccoli with garlic. Buddhist delight is absolutely great, although it is vegetarian dish, and you won't forget it. Even if you cannot imagine your meal without some meat, this will certainly satisfy your palate.

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