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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Common Sense Health Reasons For Choosing Grass Fed Beef And Pork

By Christopher Gibson

People are slowly becoming more aware and knowledgeable about they are eating. Food manufacturers are getting in on the act labelling everything they can as natural, lite, and organic. Consumers who are also meat eaters have choices then it comes to the kinds of animal products they choose. Many are opting to spend the extra money and choose grass fed beef and pork for its superior taste and the many health benefits associated with it.

Not everyone understands the differences between animals that are raised on grass and the ones raised with a diet of corn and grain. Livestock raised naturally in the fields forage for their food. They grow at the rate intended by nature. These animals remain lean because they have the ability to roam freely. It takes longer to raise animals this way, and the ranchers pass that expense on to the consumer.

Animals on pure grain diets are almost exclusively raised in huge store houses called concentrated animal feeding operations. The sole purpose is to raise them as quickly as possible. These CAFO animals are injected every day with antibiotics to keep an epidemic of disease away from the crowded population. Producers inject the cattle and hogs with hormones designed to make them fat. CAFO livestock grow at a rate twice that of pasture raised animals.

You can lose some weight eating pasture raised pork and beef. Animals raised on grain and corn naturally have a higher fat content than those with foraging diets. The living conditions of CAFO animals is so stressful that it raises the cortisol level in them, making them fattier. Studies have shown that those who eat organic meat save around seventeen thousand calories a year. Over the course of a year that equates to about five pounds.

Meat from pasture raised livestock can help stabilize the level of a person's blood sugar. This is very important for people suffering from diabetes or heart disease. Low insulin sensitivity is one reason people have to inject themselves with insulin. Organic meat and dairy contain high levels of CLA, which is a fatty acid believed to keep weight off and maintain lean muscle mass.

CLA may help prevent cancers. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women with a diet rich in this nutrient. CLA is interesting because it's one of the few nutrients in meat found to reduce the risks of certain cancers. Meat from pasture raised livestock contains twice as much CLA as livestock raised on grain.

You will get six times the Omega 3 healthy fats from grass fed pork and beef as you will with the cattle and hogs raised on a diet of grains. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the symptoms of depression and increase your ability to focus. It helps those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to be an informed consumer. It is difficult for some to appreciate that health benefits can outweigh the extra cost involved in choosing natural food products. The savings in doctor's bills and prescription drugs should put the choice in perspective.

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