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Monday, 19 November 2018

Jamaican Rum Cake For Sale In Stores Locally Today

By Ann Wilson

No Christmas is complete without a traditional cake. The thanksgiving season is just around the corner and everywhere you turn you will be reminded of it. Christmas displays in stores and gift wrap are prominently on display at the checkout. So, for sure you will be thinking about what supplies you need to buy. Jamaican rum cake for sale is perfect for your holidays. Read on to find out why.

If you have not heard of Jamaica dessert for Christmas it is also known as fruit tart. It can be eating with a custard or rum sauce, hot or cold, or alone. It can also be iced in a decorative way and placed in the centre of the table. In this text we will concentrate on the dessert eaten cold and decorated with icing and marzipan. For sure you have had a Christmas pastry like this before that was left untouched at the end of the day as everyone had already eaten too much.

In Britain the tradition of icing tarts will never die. But nowadays people are so busy that they often opt for a pre-bought one instead. But if you really don't have time to bake a cake, then why not by a Jamaican delicacy and ice it yourself at home. This is quicker than baking, but so much more personalized than purchasing one that is already coated in icing and marzipan. Besides, you can have hours of fun making the icing with your kids.

If you don't have much time for baking, then buying a Jamaican dessert is the perfect option. But you'll still want to add your own finishing touches. The best way to do this is to ice yours at home. You can also add a layer of marzipan too. Marzipan is available ready made in stores to roll out if you are unsure of how to make it.

So, if you are busy and not great in the kitchen, buy in some icing sugar and some marzipan for decorating your Christmas dessert. Once finished, put it in a Tupperware. It will last for months and can be prepared in the weeks leading up to the festive season. Some even say it tastes better the longer it is left.

Fruit is full of goodness and will not go dry unlike other tarts and desserts you can buy. Dried fruits are rich in fiber and are perfect and healthy, unlike so many other foods you will eat this festive season.

So, for your festive fun you need to buy just a few items from your store. Ready to roll marzipan is cheap and easy to use, and you can buy icing sugar, or ready to roll icing. If you have kids it's great fun to decorate your festive food together, and that includes making the icing.

White icing is the traditional option for your Jamaica dessert. The soft white snow of the winter can then be decorated with some words in colour or with some ornaments. Ornaments for your tart can be edible or reusable. Check out in your local dime store next to the Christmas decorations and you will find a wide variety of decorations that are specific for your baking needs.

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