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Thursday, 22 March 2018

Dealing With Bulk Juice Concentrate

By Christopher Wood

Fresh juice is common in grocery stores and supermarkets. They are highly considered due to their nutritional value compared to juices which have a lot of additives. Venturing into this kind of products can be a reliable source of income. Here are aspects to consider when dealing with bulk juice concentrate.

First, find a target market. You cannot establish yourself in the market without a reliable market. The most reliable markets, in this case, include juice making companies, local smoothie vendors and various manufacturing companies which use this kind of raw fruit concentrate. It is important to take note of your competitor to come up with relevant measures to establish yourself amid their existence.

Find relevant sources. Working with bulk essence require a couple of sources. In this case, you should work with one kind of fruit to be able to sustain the demand in the market. Therefore, reach out to a couple of private large-scale farms dealing with the respective fruits intending to deal with and consider working with them. Small-scale farmers are also important to work as your subsidize sources.

Acquire certification to run this kind of trade. You cannot manage to handle foodstuffs without the right credentials. States are very keen about this hence they expect every foodstuff supplier to adhere to strict regulations to guarantee the safety of the consumers. Therefore, you have to comply with the standards kept in place in this practice to be certified by the respective boards.

Purchase relevant equipment needed in this practice. You need a tanker to transport this product from its source to its recipient. Consider purchasing a refurbished tanker if you do not have enough capital or lease one as well. As well, you can prefer using large containers and transport them in a refrigerator truck or in fridges.

Hire enough experts to help you in running your business. The major activity in supplying concentrated juice is transportation. Therefore, you need to hire experienced drivers to transport them from their sources to the respective destination. Also, you might need the assistance of a professional accountant to help in running every financial aspect of your business.

Use relevant means to reach out to your potential clients. As a supplier, you need to have different marketing strategies to reach out to your clients in the recipient and sources of the raw material. With the increased use of the internet, setting up a website could be the best measure to reach out to your customers. The website should have relevant information about your business, your contacts and links to social media avenues as well.

Have a reliable budget. Starting up this kind of business require a large sum of money. Possibly, your saving cannot manage to cater for every aspect needed hence the need to look for alternatives. You can apply for a loan, look for partnership or start up with your limited budget to establish yourself as time goes by. A business plan is important in this case to convince possible investors about your credibility.

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