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Monday, 19 March 2018

You Are What You Eat: Chinese Food Baltimore MD Diet

By Eric Lee

There is been much hype surrounding the idea of going organic, usually mentioned in the same breath as going green. Environmentalists and health enthusiasts, alike, are very vocal in their support of both trends. But what exactly is chinese food Baltimore MD, and what are the advantages of an organic food diet?

One might suspect it is really just the flip side of the coin when it comes to GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. A way for the powers that be to offer an alternative, supposedly healthier, kind of sustenance for those wary of the heavily chemically laden articles that is been passed off as food for so long. Making such claims would have one branded a conspiracy theorist though.

Upon closer inspection, one discovers what it really means is that no artificial additives are found in these nutriments. So, no artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives, or even colors are included in their production. It has to pass some very stringent tests before it can be labelled as such. It being marketed as healthier is in fact validated by numerous independent scientific studies.

All natural is the sum total of what the term implies. The idea was to steer clear of the more modern, proven to be toxic, approaches to agriculture, and go back to relying on more primitive methods instead. A sort of progression by regression, if you will. More fit for human consumption while taking less of a toll on the natural world. Sounds like a win win.

It is been shown to enhance the quality of human life as well. It improves one is defences against carcinogenic, or cancer causing, substances due to its being an antioxidant powerhouse. It is also been highlighted as an aid to those suffering from obesity by helping them shed those extra pounds, and reducing a person s chances of becoming overweight in the first place. Thereby, setting itself apart as a unique solution to a growing global epidemic.

Those with a keener eye for detail may have long suspected that more conventional foodstuffs seem to possess an unnaturally long shelf life, and they would have been right. These edibles get treated with a form of radiation known as irradiation. The process gets justified as a means of killing off bacteria and extending the life of the food as well.

Worth noting is that beef, poultry, and pork tends to retain most of the pesticides those animals had eaten in their lifetimes. Those harmful chemicals are then inherited by the humans who consume those meats. Research suggests that as much as 95% of the toxic chemicals found in the American diet are the product of any pesticides originally ingested by the animals that they have in turn consumed.

In addition, the majority of any currently employed farming methods subject animals to some incredibly brutal practices. Which many cite as their reason for becoming vegan. Whereas, the methodology on which this article is based has displayed a more humane approach to the treatment of lower life forms by placing more emphasis on animal and environmental welfare. These newer, albethey actually ancient, farming methods do not use pesticides nor do they erode the soil. And bearing in mind that pesticides do the kinds of environmental damage that may take centuries to be rectified, how can a person live with a clear conscience knowingly supporting such practices through their consumer habits?

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